Ray Charles

The Father of Soul Ray Charles Robinson was born in 1930 in Georgia, USA, but he grew up in Florida. He lived with his mother, Aretha, and his younger brother. They were very poor. When Ray was five years old, his brother died and then two years later Ray went blind. Aretha Robinson sent her son …

Dia da internet segura

Centro Internet SeguraNavegação Segura na InternetO Centro Internet Segura é coordenado para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) e resulta do trabalho realizado pelo consórcio formado pela FCT, pela Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE), pelo Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude (IPDJ), pela Fundação PT e pela Microsoft Portugal.A atuar em Portugal desde 2007, o Centro Internet …

Ray Charles

The Father of Soul Ray Charles Robinson was born in 1930 in Georgia, USA, but he grew up in Florida. He lived with his mother, Aretha, and his younger brother. They were very poor. When Ray was five years old, his brother died and then two years later Ray went blind. Aretha Robinson sent her son …

Dia do imigrante

Dia Internacional dos MigrantesEm mensagem para o Dia Internacional dos Migrantes (18), o secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, António Guterres, pediu mais solidariedade com os 258 milhões de migrantes de todo o mundo. Guterres lamentou que, apesar das evidências mostrarem que os migrantes geram benefícios econômicos, sociais e culturais para todas as sociedades, as hostilidades crescem em …